Thursday, January 25, 2007

Letter 1

THEY say that every snowflake is different. How could they know? Has anyone seen every snowflake that has ever fallen?

I think not. But it is a nice belief to have, just as they say that every person is different. Even between identical twins, there is something to let us say one is different from the other. I like to believe that, just as I like to believe that every snowflake is different. It makes every person different, every person special.

And so, every person whose path crosses ours, follows ours, parallels ours, is special. Which makes it even more wonderful, the encounter that comes from our paths merging, so that we may walk together, and perhaps talk together, for awhile. Out of all the billions of people who live now, who once lived, you and I shared a path and a conversation for a time.

What are the chances of two people crossing paths that way, out of all the infinitely possible combinations?
Some people say it is destiny. But destiny suggests a destination. Where was ours?

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